Weekend Randoms: Barrel of Fun, Human Flight & More

Living in the Chronovirus has reminded me that sometimes you just need to have a little fun. Here’s a random collection of links and videos ranging from entertaining to thought provoking.
🥇 : That blast from the past up top, you can grab one for yourself for $40 on Igloo’s official site. 🤟
Human Flight
A few years ago I got to try a flyboard, essentially a pair of boots that are hooked up to a jetski by way of a long tube. This looks like that on steroids.
Teapot Craftswomanship
A Professional Wheel Swap
I could try for the challenge, but I’m sure the ER bill outweighs the $500. 🤕
Thought Provoking
+ “The top emotion people struggle with (more than a quarter in my study) is fear, followed by sadness and shame. Brian Wecht, a Harvard- and MIT-trained theoretical physicist from Pennsylvania who stepped down from his tenured professorship to devote himself to his comedy rock band, Ninja Sex Party, feared humiliation. ‘If I take the leap and it fails,’ he thought, ‘I may be throwing away my entire future for this weird YouTube career.’ Finally, he decided, ‘I’d rather live with fear and failure than safety and regret.’ The band’s next album reached the ‘Billboard’ Top 20.” Learning to Conquer Life’s Crises.
+ “If irony is dead, it just got resurrected with the fraud arrest—while aboard a $28 million super-yacht—of self-proclaimed Leninist-populist and anti-elitist Steve Bannon.”
+ Why the economic value of a face mask is $56.14
+ The Anti-Capitalist Software License (ACSL) is a software license towards a world beyond capitalism. This license exists to release software that empowers individuals, collectives, worker-owned cooperatives, and nonprofits, while denying usage to those that exploit labor for profit. anticapitalist.software
+ Mississippi Narrows Its New Flag Down to 5 Contenders. Confederate imagery is gone.
+ What the immune response to the coronavirus says about the prospects for a vaccine. Some good news.
+ COVID-19 Made Me a One-Issue Voter: Get the Man Responsible for 165,000 American Deaths the Fuck Out. Make that 175,000 as of writing this.
+ What Do Alien Civilizations Look Like? The Kardashev Scale. Because I’m a sci-fi nerd.
State Fair Lemonade
I think I need to make Chef John’s state fair lemonade recipe this weekend because it’s 100-degrees out, the air is filled with smoke and who’s kidding I don’t need any reason to down an inappropriate amount of this. 🍋
When a Couple Rides Together
Not accurate at all, not at all… 🙊