Video: Orange Seal “Family Seal”– Episode 2: Triumph at The Mid South

What a brutal race, enjoy episode two of Orange Seal’s Family Seal series.
Looking back on it, we never expected The Mid South to be one of the last races “for a while.” This makes it all the more meaningful that Payson and Hannah were able to persevere through some of the toughest conditions ever served up by the roads of Stillwater Oklahoma and take the top step of the podium for pro men and women. We’re proud of the efforts they made in the preparation and on race day, and celebrate their spirit of toughness as we hunker down and ride out the COVID-19 storm. We’ll come back to racing as soon as we can, and until then we’ll keep chronicling the adventures of team riders Payson McElveen, Hannah Finchamp, Kye Cordes, and Dennis Van Winden as they navigate the strange new landscape of training for an uncertain season during social isolation.