The New Rules of Cycling by Phil Gaimon

Time for some new cycling rules, or not really as these should just be givens.
Phil Gaimon lays out cycling’s unofficial rulebook, detailing his own New Rules of Cycling, dubbed Philuminati. Nice reference to Velominati.
I’ve always taken issue with Velominati, apparently Gaimon has as well. The Rule, if you somehow didn’t get bombarded with them about 10 years ago, is a list of rules around proper attire, equipment, and other mundane bullcrap the crit bros like to obsess over. Essentially, there is a right way and a wrong way to ride.
The Rules suck. Cycling is an intimidating sport without adding stupidity around how you shouldn’t wear pro kit or mismatched socks/gloves.
Phil’s rules make sense. Abide:
Rule #1: Riding a bike and being safe and having fun? You’re doing it right.
Rule #2: Wear whatever you want.
Rule #3: Nothing on your bike has to match.
Rule #4: A Gran Fondo is as competitive as you want it to be, but the group ride is a workout, not a race.
Rule #5: In traffic, we take the space we need, obey the laws that make sense for us, and try to be courteous. Pedestrians have right of way.
Rule #6: We all wave to each other. This includes triathletes, commuters, e-bikes, homeless people, and scooters.
Rule #7: If you’re not into helmets that’s your decision. If your group ride asks that you wear one, do it. Don’t helmet shame (adult) strangers.
Rule #8: Strava is a social media platform, not a race. A KOM means nothing. Give Kudos and get inspired.
Rule #9: DON’T LITTER.
Rule #10: Suffering is a choice. It’s not a rule. Going faster doesn’t make you more of a cyclist, nor does riding in the rain.
Rule #11: Don’t be a dick.
Nailed it.