The 2019 Speedvagen Guidebook

Sit down and get yourself ready for some top grade bikeporn. The 2019 Speedvagen Guidebook is out and it’s almost too much to take in in just one sitting. Awesome stuff!
2018 was a year of change for us at the shop. We capped orders to 111 customs, we installed a new paint system with a broader color range and top tier quality paint. Re-launched a CX team with huge success, brought on new power-house racers, and jumped head first back into Kids-Cross, fostering a new generation of racers. Yet we feel like we have a little bit of unfinished business. We will be coming into 2019 with a new mind set. Newly revised and reinvigorated Fitting Tours, appearances at places you wouldn’t expect us, new models and a new approach to production.
With experience comes appreciation and reflection. We are looking inside to see where we want to take cycling (not where it wants to take us, thats an important distinction.) Speedvagen has always been about that inner urge to create, to bring something into the world that is truly special. 11 years ago Speedvagen was born out of a passion to create and refine race bikes on the cyclocross course. This internal force of creation is something we always strive for. We don’t do it because we like to (even though that is a huge part of it), we don’t do it for bragging rights, we do this because we feel so strongly about putting something into the world that is truly meaningful for each Speedvagen owner.
People gravitate toward us because of how our bikes look. What they are surprised by and what makes them come to love their Speedvagen like a best friend, is that it rides better than anything else they’ve been on.
The way our bikes look is important to us, too; tons of beautiful details, all balanced so that no one thing stands out – that definitely drives us. Any detail that you see on a Speedvagen is there because of it’s function. We ask, “how is it going to make the bike ride better; how is it going to make the rider’s experience better;” and then, “how can we make those details understated and beautiful?”
As you read through our guidebook, you will learn about all of the elements that make a Speedvagen ride so unbelievably well. And when you pull the trigger, you’re going to get that beautiful bike that you’ve been lusting after on Instagram, our website, or your pal’s garage. What you may not know is that you’re also going to get a bike with a fit that makes you more powerful and allows you to feel at one with the road; a bike that has details you may not notice for years, and construction that any bike nerd would appreciate 100 years from now when the paint is tattered, leaving the raw form of the bike. This is the stuff, for us, that makes our bikes “best friend material.”
Please spend some quality time with this guidebook. Then, let’s jump on the phone to talk through any questions you have and get your dream bike started!