Study: Extreme metal guitar skill: A case of male–male status seeking, mate attraction, or byproduct?

Metal guitarists' lightning-fast solos? It's not about romance but male rivalry! Discover the truth behind their high-speed fingers. 🎸🤘

Study: Extreme metal guitar skill: A case of male–male status seeking, mate attraction, or byproduct?
Photo by Simon Weisser / Unsplash

Ok, this is hilarious and yes, it's very real. In the realm of extreme metal, the image of a guitar virtuoso shredding away might not be for the reasons we typically assume. A study involving 44 heterosexual male metal guitarists has shed light on this ear-splitting enigma. While one might think these high-speed solos are aimed at attracting potential mates, it turns out the truth is more about male rivalry than romance. Yes, those lightning-fast fingers on the fretboard are less about serenading and more about status.

According to the research, the intense focus on playing chords hints at a desire for romantic encounters, but the real show-off is in the speed. The faster these guitarists play, the more they're likely engaging in a display of competitive prowess aimed at other men. It's a musical battle for supremacy, not on the romantic front, but in the arena of macho one-upmanship.

My non-scientific gut check on this? It isn't unique to metal. The same can be said for bodybuilders, or giant blacked out Ram 3500 pickups, once men go past a certain point it's about impressing other dudes far more than attracting women.

So next time you witness a metal guitarist in full flow, remember: it's probably less about love and more about impressing dudes. 🤘