Stages Cycling Execs Move to Giant Amid Legal Battle and Operational Halt

Former Stages Cycling executives join Giant Manufacturing following a lawsuit and the apparent shutdown of Stages. Dive into the details of this significant industry shift.

Stages Cycling Execs Move to Giant Amid Legal Battle and Operational Halt

It appears Stages is dead, a real bummer as I sit here a few feet from my SB20...

The cycling industry is witnessing significant upheaval as Giant Manufacturing, a major player in the cycling manufacturing sector, is embroiled in a legal dispute with Stages Cycling, a brand known for its power meters and smart bikes. The situation escalated with several Stages executives transitioning to roles at Giant amid the ongoing legal and operational dramas.

In a lawsuit filed in Oregon, Giant claims that Stages owes a whopping $14 million due to unpaid invoices spanning from June 2022 to January 2024. These charges were accumulated across 161 invoices for various products including power meters, exercise bikes, and associated fees for storage and shipping. AIPS Technology, a subsidiary of Giant, has spearheaded the legal challenge, revealing a deeper integration of Giant into cycling technology since its establishment in 2020.

Stages' Apparent Shutdown

Adding to the complexity, Stages Cycling seems to have halted operations. The brand's office in Boulder was unoccupied, with only a lonely Stages-branded van parked outside. The company's e-commerce platform indicates a lack of available products, with a note allowing customers to leave email addresses for restock alerts. This cessation of operations coincided with the layoffs of approximately 40-45 employees, a significant downsizing that points towards financial and operational turbulence.

Executive Moves

The turmoil has led to a reshuffling of industry talent. Pat Warner, previously Stages’ senior vice president of product development, has now taken up the mantle of vice president of product R&D at Giant. Joining him are other former Stages personnel, including Paddy Murray, now VP of global sales and marketing at Giant, and engineers Eric Golesh and Andy Lull.

Broader Industry Implications

This situation not only affects the involved parties but also sends ripples across the cycling industry. Giant's January announcement of intent to acquire a share in Stages for over $20 million highlighted its strategy to expand into the indoor cycling market, a plan now evidently on rocky ground. Additionally, the unresolved status of Foundation Fitness, Stages’ parent company, which also faces legal challenges as a co-defendant in the lawsuit, adds another layer of uncertainty to the narrative.

Upcoming Developments

The legal proceedings are set to continue, with a telephone hearing scheduled for May 17. As the cycling community watches closely, the outcomes of this case could dictate future dynamics within the industry, affecting product availability, company operations, and market strategies. The movement of key personnel like Warner and Murray could also signify a strategic shift for Giant, potentially steering the company's future endeavors in product development and global marketing.

This unfolding saga between Stages and Giant underscores the volatile nature of the cycling industry's business landscape, where legal, operational, and strategic elements intertwine with significant consequences for all stakeholders involved.

Stages Cycling executives join Giant after suit and apparent shutdown
BOULDER, Colo. (BRAIN) — At least four former Stages Cycling executives have joined Giant Manufacturing as the power meter and smart bike brand has apparently stopped operations. Giant, which manufactures many Stages products in Taiwan, is suing Stages in Oregon about $14 million in unpaid invoices.