Spray.Bike Gets Metallic with anodized gold, silver and copper
I recently resprayed my Cervelo S3 with Spray.Bike rattle cans and the result was incredible. I didn’t think a result like what I got was at all possible outside of sending the frame off to a pro with a spray gun and dedicated booth. The paint is formulated to dry almost instantly as it turns into powder just inches from the nozzle as such you get none of the dust/hair/etc… that plagues usual spray can paint jobs. But until now they didn’t have an option if you wanted to go metallic.
Spray.Bike’s standard colors are an acrylic base plus propellant and color. The metallic ones share the acrylic base and propellant, but use finely ground zinc powder that’s anodized to one of four hues. You can choose from Pewter Silver, Brass Gold, Bronze Gold and Copper. For U.S. based customers, they’re available now for $17.99 per can. A 400ml rattle can will cover a frame and fork with one coat.