Riding with Blake Hansen: A Trans Woman's Freeride Mountain Biking Journey

Riding with Blake Hansen: A Trans Woman's Freeride Mountain Biking Journey

Join mountain bike pro Blake Hansen as she takes us on her yearlong MTB tour, facing off against elite competitors in the thrilling world of freeride mountain biking. Inspired by snowboarding, freeriding is all about riding without a set course on natural terrain and creating the most imaginative line possible based on style, control, and speed.

In this captivating 4-part series, we begin at home with Blake and her friend Garrin, as they build the perfect bike for the 2022 summer season. Through each episode, we follow Blake’s incredible journey, witnessing her exceptional skills and determination as she navigates the challenging world of freeride mountain biking.

As a trans woman in the mountain biking community, Blake shares her unique experiences and perspectives throughout the series. She offers an intimate look into her life, both on and off the trail, and the camaraderie that exists behind the scenes among fellow riders.

Witness the triumphs, the setbacks, and the unforgettable moments as Blake Hansen defies expectations and breaks boundaries in the mountain biking world. This series not only showcases the athleticism and creativity of freeride mountain biking but also highlights the power of resilience and the importance of inclusivity in sports.

Don’t miss out on this inspiring journey as we follow Blake Hansen through the 2022 summer season. Get ready to be amazed by the incredible world of freeride mountain biking and the inspiring story of a trans woman fearlessly carving her path in the sport.