PowerOutage.us - Power Outage Tracker
PowerOutage.us is an ongoing project created to track, record, and aggregate power outages across the United States.

PowerOutage.us serves as a crucial resource for tracking, recording, and aggregating power outages across the United States, offering near real-time insights into the state of electrical services nationwide. With its user-friendly interface, the website color-codes states to reflect the current number of customers without power, making it easy to visualize the extent of outages at a glance. For those seeking more granular details, a simple click on any state reveals comprehensive information about specific outages affecting its counties, including the number of customers impacted. Updated approximately every ten minutes, PowerOutage.us ensures that its data remains as current as possible, providing an invaluable tool for anyone needing to stay informed about power disruptions, whether for planning, emergency response, or simply out of curiosity.