Chris King Open House 2023: Celebrating Outdoor Adventures and Cycling Innovations

Chris King Open House 2023: Celebrating Outdoor Adventures and Cycling Innovations

The Chris King Open House 2023 is an exciting event scheduled to take place on October 21st, from 12 to 5 pm at King HQ. This event is fashioned as an Outdoor Adventure Showcase, celebrating the outdoor lifestyle. Attendees will have the chance to explore unique bike builds, camping gear, adventure vehicles, outdoor accessories, and more, all in one place. It’s not just about viewing products; the event promises to be an interactive experience. There will be ample food and drinks, ensuring a festive and hospitable atmosphere for all attendees.

Moreover, the event offers guided tours of the King factory, giving a sneak peek into where and how the magic happens. Various brands will also be conducting clinics throughout the day on a range of topics relevant to their expertise. Some of the brands that will be attending include Subaru, Super Pacific, Outside Van, Goal Zero, and many more. This event is not only a celebration of the cycling and outdoor lifestyle but also an excellent opportunity for networking and learning from experts in the field​.