Roadkill: A Symbol of Our Automotive Age’s Devastating Impact

Discover how roads are endangering both wildlife and humans, as they exacerbate the Sixth Extinction and pose significant risks to our health and environment.

Roadkill: A Symbol of Our Automotive Age’s Devastating Impact
In the Sixth Extinction, the asteroid is an F-150.

The article "A Flattened, Bloody Raccoon on a Highway Isn’t Just a Bummer. It’s a Dire Warning." by Ben Goldfarb explores the devastating impact of roads on wildlife and humans alike. Majrad, a pregnant Asiatic cheetah, became a tragic symbol of this crisis when she was killed by a car. This incident highlights how roads are a lethal threat to endangered species and contribute significantly to the Sixth Extinction. The piece also delves into how roads harm humans, from increasing pedestrian fatalities to exacerbating air and noise pollution. Despite some efforts to mitigate these effects, the pervasive influence of roads continues to jeopardize our planet's health and our own.

A Flattened, Bloody Raccoon on a Highway Isn’t Just a Bummer. It’s a Dire Warning.
Cars flatten animals—and humans. Our fates are connected.