Bikepacking Ecuador - Cotopaxi Loop Overnighter

En Septiembre de 2020 tras meses de encierro por la pandemia que azota el mundo, por fin tuvimos la oportunidad de repetir una ruta que ya habíamos hecho haciendo lo que mas nos gusta, pedalear por las zonas mas remotas de los países que recorremos y poder transportarles a estos lugares aunque sea a través de las imágenes de una pantalla.
Esta ruta es parte de la tan conocida “TEMBR” creada por los hermanos Dammer y Cass Gilbert, concretamente compone gran parte de la ruta “Cotopaxi 360”
Partimos desde Mulalo y llegamos hasta Quito, recorriendo aproximadamente 140kms y +3000m de desnivel. Pasamos por parajes únicos del Ecuador, paramos completamente inhabitados en los que parece que seguimos en la época jurásica y si, nos mojamos y nos morimos del frío, pero que bien nos lo pasamos.
Este video esta dedicado a todas esas marcas que nos han apoyado incondicionalmente a través de los años y que a pesar de las situación que estamos viviendo siguen ahí para que podamos cumplir nuestros sueños. No solo se lo dedicamos a ellos, sino también a todas esas personas que siempre apoyan nuestro viaje y forma de vida. GRACIAS a tod@s.
Esperamos que disfruten de este pequeño fragmento de uno de los lugares mas bonitos que hemos podido recorrer.
In September 2020, after months of confinement due to the pandemic that plagues the world, we finally had the opportunity to repeat a route that we had already done doing what we like the most, pedaling through the most remote areas of the countries we travel through and being able to transport you to these places at least through images on a screen.
This route is part of the well-known “TEMBR” created by the Dammer brothers and Cass Gilbert, specifically it makes up a large part of the “Cotopaxi 360” route.
We leave from Mulalo and arrive to Quito, traveling approximately 140kms and + 3000m of unevenness. We went through unique places in Ecuador, we went through completely uninhabited paramos where it seems that we are still in the Jurassic era and yes, we got wet and we freezed, but what a good time we had.
This video is dedicated to all those brands that have supported us unconditionally over the years and that despite the situation we are living, they are still there so that we can fulfill our dreams. We not only dedicate it to them, but also to all those people who always support our journey and way of life. THANKS everyone.
We hope you enjoy this little fragment of one of the most beautiful places we have been able to visit.