$20k + An Adventure Van + a 3-Month Road Trip

Old Man Mountain and The Robert Axle Project are looking to find the inaugural President of The Loam and Gravel Society.
If you’re comfortable talking to yourself in public, love to ride bikes, and feel ready to lead a very public, secret society; Old Man Mountain would like to pay you $20,000, provide you with some great gear, put you in an adventure van provided by Carefree Camper Co., and send you off to ride your bike all over the western US for three months.
On this three-month road trip the President of The Loam and Gravel Society will create an 8-episode YouTube series. The focus of this trip is NOT racing. You can be fast but the focus should be on enjoying the rides, the sights, and meeting potential inductees to the society.
You are a content creator so you have to be willing to take lots of breaks and re-ride sections to properly chronicle them for The Society. In addition to the eight 12-18 minute disquisitions, you’ll be asked to create shorter YouTube videos, Reels, photos, and blog posts. The Presidential term will be for 16 weeks; two before the trip, twelve for the trip and, two after the trip.
Inquire here ( https://oldmanmountain.com/loam-and-g… )to nominate yourself for the position and be added to the ballot. Applications are being accepted until March 16th at 10:00pm PST.