Read This: They Are Insecure For A Reason

Read This: They Are Insecure For A Reason
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo / Unsplash
They Are Insecure For A Reason | Defector
You have probably forgotten about the guy who worked at National Public Radio and got so upset because of how woke it was that he wrote a furious post about it for Bari Weiss’s newsletter, which I believe is called That’s Such A Good Point, Sir. This is entirely for the best. That story wasn’t […]

Many eloquent thinkers have explored this, often influenced by thinkers like Roth, but it bears repeating: many Americans confuse "safety" with "comfort." Is it "comfortable" to navigate around or be near a loud, self-organized protest led by teenagers or young adults? For many, this is uncomfortable but not unsafe. Protestors typically do not harass or attack passersby—doing so would hardly endear anyone to their cause.

This misconception drives much of the discourse around the so-called "Crisis on Campus" and reactions to protests from the Civil Rights era to Colin Kaepernick's kneeling. Too many Americans seek a perpetual cocoon of comfort, mistaking any disruption of this comfort as a threat to their safety. They strive to extend their personal comfort bubbles into all spaces, public and private, resisting any form of disruption. However, part of being human is encountering and engaging with others, sometimes through protests.

In an article full of potent pull quotes, it's hard to pick just one, but:

a Homeowners Association with a S.W.A.T. team at its disposal

This is an incredibly succinct description.